News about Law
Viser 265 til 288 af 310 dokumenter.

Tommaso Fia joins CIIR as guest researcher

Disasters, Climate Change and Law: Reflections from the NEEDS conference and COPE stay

International Law Breakfast Briefings – Spring 2023

Dawoon Jung

Dawoon Jung

CIIR hosted the 37th Nordic Conference on Law and IT in 2022

Interdisciplinary Opportunities for Biometric Researchers

New visitor at iCourts - Marcus Schnetter

Lachlan Bryant Lugg

New visitor at iCourts - Gabrielė Chlevickaitė

New Postdoc at iCourts - Dilek Kurban

New Postdoc at iCourts - Siri Silvereke

Christoffer Ousager

New visitor at iCourts - Francesca Leucci

New visitor at iCourts - Theresa Squatrito

The Case of Customary Rules-of- the-Road for Governing the Orbital Highways of Earth

New visitor at CeBIL - Jorge L Contreras

Christoffer Ousager

Professor Helle Porsdam i Videnskabsår22 podcast (In Danish)

New visitor at iCourts - Raphael Oidtmann

MA course “International Investment Law and Sustainability”

CILG researcher becomes co-director of COPE