Superpositioner »Vi fysikere har ikke den dér barriere med, at noget måske kan lade sig gøre, men at vi bare ikke er kloge nok.« Charlie Marcus har forladt sit forskningscenter på Harvard University for at skabe et nyt center
Peter Kadlecík A measurement of W+jet and Z+jet cross sections in the tau decay channel, and their ratio in the ATLAS experiment
Yeghishe Tsaturyan Coupling of an LC-circuit to a nanomechanical membrane Supervisor: Anders Sørensen
Lea K. D. Sørensen Oceanographic variability at a boulder reef in the Kattegat and surrounding waters
Gisela Baumann Particle Dynamics in Solar Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Regions Supervisor: Prof. Åke Nordlund
Franziska Kaminski Coherent Atom-Light Interaction in an Ultracold Atomic Gas Experimental Study of Faraday Rotation Imaging and Matter-Wave Superradiance Academic Supervisors: Eugene S. Polzik and Jörg H. Müller
Jesper Nygård new professor in nanophysics Jesper Nygård has been appointed professor of experimental nanophysics at the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr Institute and he is co-founder of the new research center, Center for Quantum Devices .
Ivana Cvijanovic Abrupt climate change and high to low latitude teleconnections as simulated in climate models
The Blue Planet's new water budget Researchers from University of Copenhagen and Stanford have examined 3.8 billion year old minerals from Greenland and determined that liquid water was also in existence upon the young Earth, billions of years ago.
ERC advanced grant to BRIC researcher Kristian Helin Director and Professor at BRIC, Kristian Helin has received an ERC advanced grant for his research in molecular cancer biology.
The biodiversity crisis: Worse than climate change University of Copenhagen leaves imprint on new UN panel in effort to preserve world nature.
Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard Pseudorapidity Densities in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions at LHC measured with the ALICE experiment
Luca Foresta An attempt of obtaining a chronologically correct reconstruction of the NEEM disturbed section
Kosmisk forskning på top 10 over betydningsfulde gennembrud Astronomer fra NBI har udviklet en banebrydende metode til at måle langdistance-afstande i universet ved hjælp af lyset fra kvasarer. Physics World har udvalgt denne forskning som et af de 10 vigtigste gennembrud
Retirement lecture by Professor Holger Bech Nielsen Holger Bech Nielsen has been for many years a professor in theoretical particle physics at NBI, where he started working in 1973, and is since Sept. 1, 2011 professor emeritus.
Christmas burst puzzles On 25 December 2010, NASA’s Swift satellite detected an unusually bright and long-lived gamma-ray burst. Astrophysicists from DARK and their colleagues explain the unusual phenomenon in a new paper published in…
Astrid Schmidt Ice Core Genetics - uncovering biodiversity from ancient ecosystems in Greenland and Antarctica