Extreme measuring device can bring quantum technology to your smartphone University of Copenhagen researchers have invented a “quantum drum” that can measure pressure, a gas leak, heat, magnetism and a host of other things with extreme precision. It can even scan the shape of a single virus.…
Rebekka Johansen Title: A Diachronic Study of the Polar Front in the North Atlantic Region & it’s Connection to the North Atlantic Oscillation Supervisors: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen and Aksel Walløe Hansen
Bettina Loy Title: Tests investigating potential implementation of oxygen isotope measurements in continuous flow analyses Supervisors: Thomas Blunier and Ida Lager (SLU)
Christian Lykner Title: The ALICE Forward Hadronic Calorimeter: Construction, Testing, and Understanding the Second Prototype. Supervisor: Ian Bearden
Jonas Richard Damsgaard Title: A Reconstructing of Melt Variability in Greenland for the Past 2000 Years Supervisor: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
Mads Lundsgaard Andersen Title: Sensitivity of winter climatic conditions in Europe to various surface forcing in the EC-Earth model Supervisor: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
Daniel Dalsgaard Jonsson Title: Modelling Collapse and Accretion of Protostellar Systems Supervisors: Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund
Atlas Lundbergh Varsted Title: Predicting albedo in Greenland using Machine Learning Supervisor: Aslak Grinsted
Jesper Ejlebæk Holm Title: Firn-air Modelling in the Community Firn Model Supervisors: Vasileios Gkinis and Michael Döring
Marie Cecilie Boysen Title: The EGRIP Dustprofile: Investigating dust content of 40,000 year old Greenland ice. Supervisors: Helle Astrid Kjær and Anders Svensson
Bianca Eline Sandvik Title: Impact of Wind Turbines on Local and Regional Winds Across Denmark Supervisors: Eigil Kaas and Harald Rieder (BOKU, Wienna)
Lærke Halkjær Title:Analysis of water-, landspouts and tornadoes in Denmark Supervisors: Aksel Walløe Hansen and Sebastian Pelt
Niels Schøtt Hvidberg Title: Anatomy of Abrupt Climate Change Supervisors: Sune Olander Rasmussen og Aslak Grinsted.
Mette Baungaard Title: High Spin Scattering Amplitudes Supervisors: Prof. Lars Buchhave & Dr. Hannah Diamond-Lowe
Amalie Beate Albrechtsen Title: Sensitivity to the Neutrino Mass Ordering in the IceCube Upgrade Supervisor: David Jason Koskinen
Centennial Conference “Crossing the Disciplinary Boundaries of Physics” A Centennial Conference celebrating the centenaries of the Niels Bohr Institute (founded in 1921) and Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize in Physics (awarded to him in 1922) will take place in Copenhagen from 7–11 August 2023
Hao Zhang Title: Spectral analysis of the CASSOWARY 31 lensing system Supervisor: Lise Bech Christensen
Maiken Kristiansen Revheim Title: Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Water Vapour Fluxes from Automatic Weather Station Records. - A Study of Surface Water Vapour Fluxes in a Changing Climate Supervisors: Christine S. Hvidberg, Jason Box (GEUS)
Sune Skelgaard Forchhammer and Anas Youssef Idiab Title: Efficient Simulation of Quantum Trajectories for Multiple Qubits in a Resonator Cavity Under Continuous Heterodyne Detection Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer
Daniel Hans Munk Title: B-Physics and Gradient Boosted Decision Trees - Identifying B0->K*0ee Decays using GBDTs for the Study of Lepton Flavour Universality Violation at the ATLAS Detector, CERN Supervisor: Troels Christian Petersen
Isabella Henum Title: Exploring the chemical enrichment of galaxies within 600 Myr after the Big Bang Supervisors: Victoria B. Strait, Kasper E. Heintz, Gabriel B. Brammer
Lise Klungsøyr Nøland Title: The local interstellar environment of high-redshift star-forming galaxies probed with gamma-ray bursts Supervisor: Kasper Elm Heintz