Polymers in Pharma PhD-course gathered Nordic POP participantscoming from Norway, Finland and Sweden at The PhD-course gathered 15 Nordic POP participants, mainly PhD students and a couple of master students, at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg from 7.-11. November 2022 to an intensive week of science. The…
Researcher: The future of learning technology is offline If learners are in more control of the technology they use for learning and the data they generate, it can create better learning as well as deeper understanding of the technology, says Postdoc Mark Johnson.
BRIDGE Alumni Event Join the lecture from Keynote speaker Prof Edvard Moser on our first alumni event on 14 December 2022 from 14:45-16:00 at Panum.
PhD Student Talk: The Dark Side of Science - Misconduct in Biomedical Research. Deadline: 1 December! Science builds upon science. Even after peer-review and publication, science papers could still contain images or other data of concern. Elisabeth Bik is an image forensics detective who left her paid job in industry to…
Succesfully completed CIP symposium 2022 The CIP symposium 2022 focused on various aspects of how university pedagogy is influenced by the international and multilingual context at universities. You can find the presentations from the day at the CIP website.
The year's best Master's theses are written by BMI students The Medical Society in Copenhagen has just announced the three winners of the award for best Master's theses, where two BMI students won first and third place.
Workshops in scientific illustrations Do you want to improve your skills within scientific illustrations? Join one of the courses provided by the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences. You can choose between Adobe illustrator part 1 and 2 or…
Anna Kathrine Okholm Cand. scient. (Molecular Biomedicine), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Mads Gram Henriksen´s Doctoral Defence On 9 December 2022, Mads Gram Henriksen will defend his doctoral dissertation.
Seminar on Current Regulatory Actions Addressing Pharmaceuticals in the Environment was held on Nov 3, 2022 in Helsinki A hybrid seminar on Current Regulatory Actions Addressing Pharmaceuticals in the Environment was hosted by the University of Helsinki on November 3, 2022. The seminar gathered together ca. 40 participants live in…
A new workshop on physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling well received A new workshop on physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling was organised at the University of Eastern Finland recently, with the internationally invited lecturers Professor Leon Aarons from the University of…
Jing Ph.D. Defense On the 4th of November, Jing Chen successfully defended her Ph.D thesis titled: "Indoor and Atmospheric Gas-phase Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounts". A big congratulations from everyone in the group. In the…
Call for applications 2023 Start preparing your application for the BRIDGE programme today. Deadline: 28 February 2023
Outcome of learning in the lab reaches far beyond subject matter Students can learn a plethora of skills in the lab, that are also useful once the lab coat is off. Educators need to be aware of the potential.
Stefan Voigt loves to teach – and is now being honoured for it Stefan Voigt from the Department of Economics receives education award from the Danish Fincance Institute.
Sebastian Boje Christensen Cand. scient. (Molecular Biomedicine), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Open Access week 2022 This week, October 24 -28 2022, is 'Danish Open Access Week 2022'. The OA Network provides 10 webinars about Open Access - two each day - all cover Open Access in different ways. The webinars are free, and everybody…
Springtime School 2023: Skin homeostasis and inflammation Springtime School 24-26 April 2023 LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, University of Copenhagen, invites young and talented researchers from across the world to join an intense three-day learning experience…
New publication in the Journal of Chemical Education Building on the systematic review we published earlier in July, a new paper on faculty perspectives has been published in the Journal of Chemical Education. In this study, we looked into how laboratory instructors…
New book on Malaria Immunology – including cutting-edge methods and protocols During the last few years, Professor Lars Hviid and Professor Anja Ramstedt Jensen from Centre for Medical Parasitology at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology, UCPH, have spent many, many hours editing this…
Deleted data and plagiarism: High school students have poor understanding of rules High school students lack understanding of academic norms, study shows. We need to rethink our idea of the cheating student, says researcher.
Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen will give talk as part of the AI seminar series Associate professor at SODAS Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen will, as part of the AI seminar series, give a lecture on big data for the prediction of student success