Jan W. Thomsen receives annual teaching award at NBI “For more than five years, Jan Thomsen has captivated class after class as he takes students on a journey into the world of optics,” reads the justification from the students for recommending Jan Thomsen for the Niels…
Additional grant to Sune Precht Reeh Sune Precht Reeh, who is currently a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been awarded an extra Sapere Aude grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF). It makes it possible for him…
Jérôme Chappellaz receives the Niels Bohr Institute’s Medal of Honour Jérôme Chappellaz is a glaciologist and the director of LGGE in Grenoble, France. He researches ice cores from Antarctica and Greenland and analyses the atmospheric composition in order to reconstruct past natural…
Eugene Polzik receives Danish Association of Masters and PhDs’ Research Award Eugene Polzik, professor and head of the research group Quantop at the Niels Bohr Institute has received the 2014 Danish Association of Masters and PhDs’ Research Award for Science and Technology.
CIRCD wins "Lærebogsprisen" (the Danish Textbook Prize) 2014 The project "International virksomhedskommunikation - interaktionelle perspektiver på interkulturelt samarbejde" (International Corporate Communication - Interactional Perspectives on Intercultural Communication) has wo…
Charles Marcus receives American research prize Charles Marcus, who is a professor and head of the Center for Quantum Devices at NBI has been awarded the prize for ’Research Excellence in Nanotechnology’ by the nanoscience centre, NBIC at the University of…
SCIENCE PhD Prize to Alexander Sokol The SCIENCE PhD Prize has just been awarded for the first time. The Faculty awarded three outstanding young scientists, all of whom have had some impressive PhD programmes. One of them is Alexander Sokol from MATH.
Biophysicist Pernille Yde receives prestigious award The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science, SNU has awarded the prestigious Kirstine Meyer Grant to Pernille Yde for her research in biophysical computer models with special focus on inflammation and diabetes.
Elisenda Feliu receives prestigious Sapere Aude grant Assistant Professor Elisenda Feliu has received a Research Leader grant from the DFF/Sapere Aude programme. The grant is aimed at very talented researchers who have demonstrated the ability for original research at a…
Thomas Mikosch receives DFF grant Professor Thomas Mikosch has received a grant of DKK 1,902,451 from the The Danish Council for Independent Research for the project "Large random matrices with heavy tails and dependence."
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen receives European Agassiz Medal Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, head of the Centre for Ice and Climate at NBI, has been awarded the Louis Agassiz Medal by the EGU (European Geoscience Union). She is receiving the medal for her outstanding scientific…
Postdoctoral fellowship to Sune Precht Reeh PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sune Precht Reeh, has received a postdoctoral fellowship at 1.7 million DKK from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant is to be used on a two-year…
Eugene Polzik’s research chosen as the year’s best by Ingeniøren Ingeniøren (The Engineer) has chosen Eugene Polzik’s research on teleporation as the year’s most important Danish research results in science. Eugene Polzik is the head of the research group Quantop at the Niels Bohr…
Dissemination Award to Søren Eilers Professor Søren Eilers has received the Science Dissemination Award at a reception 10 December 2013. With the award came the trophy "The Golden Megaphone" and 25,000 DKK.
2 million DKK for research in number theory Anders Södergren, a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, has received 2 million DKK for a two year project "Number Theory and Automorphic Forms in High Dimensions”.
Celebrating a Niels Bohr professorship Thursday, August 29th, the Department of Mathematical Sciences celebrated a Niels Bohr professorship and the opening of a new research frontier in Danish mathematics in the arithmetic area.
Chinese honorary doctorate to Professor Uffe Haagerup Professor Uffe Haagerup has received an honorary doctorate from East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai. China has only awarded 277 honorary degrees in the past 30 years.
Adam P. W. Sørensen is heading for Australia with FNU-stipend On February 15 PhD from Department of Mathematical Sciences Adam P. W. Sørensen will head towards new challenges as a postdoc at University of Wollongong
Asger Törnquist receives grant from VELUX Assistant professor Asger Törnquist has been chosen to receive a 378.200kr grant from VELUX Visiting Professor Programme.
Professor Susanne Ditlevsen granted 28 millions for interdisciplinary research project Professor in statistics Susanne Ditlevsen from Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen has with an 28DKK million grant from KU’s 2016 fund got a unique possibility for creating high profiled…
Professor Jan Philip Solovej receives ERC grant Professor in mathematics Jan Philip Solovej has passed the competitive selection
ESF awards 14th European Latsis Prize to Professor Uffe Haagerup for ground-breaking and important contributions to the theory of operator algebras The European Science Foundation (ESF) has awarded this year’s European Latsis Prize to Professor Uffe Haagerup
Hesselholt receives Niels Bohr professorship Professor Lars Hesselholt has received a Niels Bohr professorship and its associated grant of DKK 30 million from the Danish National Research Foundation.
Eilers receives grant from Villum Foundation Professor Søren Eilers has received a large grant from the VILLUM FONDEN.