News about Public health
Viser 217 til 239 af 239 dokumenter.

We need to understand inequality in health to give more people a good old age

Monkeys lose their taste for alcohol when given liver hormone FGF21

Overlooked disease: Tens of thousands of people have problems at work

Novo Nordisk Foundation hires Flemming Konradsen as Scientific Director of Global Health

Men’s health more vulnerable after breakups, divorces, and living alone, than women’s

Anja Marie Bornø Jensen receives Sapere Aude research leader grant

New Learnings for New Horizons: Internship Stories from COPE
Exploring the use of social media and crowdsourcing technology in disaster risk governance

Childhood adversity results in increased hospitalisation

First article from study published
Interview with Anne Bach Nielsen, postdoctoral researcher at COPE

New online course: Chronically Ill in an Emergency - Why Mental Health Matters
Understanding the transborder implications of volcanic eruptions using a holistic approach
DMP knowledge base - a consolidated understanding of social media and crowdsourcing in disaster management processes

New method provides unprecedented insight into the biology of cells and disease

Brazilian coronavirus variant likely to be more transmissible and able to evade immunity

New project looking to enhance young people’s climate crisis awareness, agency and action in Tanzania

World Disasters Report, 2020: Come Heat or High Water

University of Copenhagen is increasing its efforts within global mental health

Five decades and five milestones of sexual and reproductive health and rights

After hard working days she rested by the beautiful Ebola River