Distinguished Wigner Lecture Vitor was a Distinguished Lecturer at the Wigner 121 Scientific Symposium, and talked about the gravitational wave revolution and new, powerful tests of General Relativity and black hole physics. The Wigner Research…
Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen Title: Massively parallel simulation of dusty protostellar systems Supervisors: Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund
test news Galakser der skygger for lyset Hvis en galakse tilfældigvis ligger langs sigtelinjen mod en fjernere, klar lyskilde, vil galaksen “skygge” for lyskilden og absorbere noget af dens lys. Denne absorption skyldes de gas- o…
A galaxy group in the early Universe Contrary to typical observations, the galaxy was discovered not by the light it emits, but by the light it absorbs. The galaxy itself evades observations, but has at least one nearby companion.
Dan Friis Tømmerby Jensen Title: Numerically Modelling of the Seismic Responses from Fractures Inserted into a Caprock Supervisor: Klaus Mosegaard
Veronika Kaminski Title: Hot Atomic Ensemble for Quantum Enhanced Sensing with Increased Atomic Polarization Supervisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Alejandro Maza Villalpando Title: Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Stellar Parameters in Realistic Molecular Cloud Environments Supervisor: Troels Haugbølle
Eric Planz Electro- and opto-mechanics with soft-clamped membrane resonators at milliKelvin temperatures for quantum memory and transduction Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Schliesser
Johannes Fuglseth Bæk Title: Black Hole Merger in Active Galactic Nuclei environment through 3-body interactions Supervisor: Johan Samsing
Jacob Osman Hjortlund Title: Exploring Demographic Drift of Type Ia SNe and its Impact on Cosmology Supervisor: Radosław Wojtak
Kevin Urquía Title: Lepton collider sensitivity to Heavy Neutral Lepton from Left-Right Symmetric Models Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Oleg Ruchayskiy
Ming Lai Chan Spin-Photon Interface for Quantum Information Processing Supervisor: Prof. Peter Lodahl
Copenhagen’s safest bets for a dry weather bike ride You have a 25% greater risk of cycling in the rain if you live in Hellerup than if saddling up in Ishøj. Two researchers from the University of Copenhagen and DTU took a closer look at where and when it rains most in an…
Centennial Conference "Crossing the Disciplinary Boundaries of Physics" Many people from IND have been involved in the organization of this celebration of the centenaries of the Niels Bohr Institute (founded in 1921) and Niels Bohr’s Nobel Prize in Physics (awarded to him in 1922).
Sofie Helene Bruun Selection of PTF Sources Based on Light-curve Variability Supervisors: Jens Hjorth and Adriano Agnello
New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered that old grandfather clocks and human cells have a central thing in common: They move in synchronisation. This strengthens the performance of our cells and…
New understanding of the body’s cells: Synchronise like pendulum clocks Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered that old grandfather clocks and human cells have a central thing in common: They move in synchronisation. This strengthens the performance of our cells and…
Pay dirt for ice core scientists in East Greenland as they reach bedrock An international research collaboration (EGRIP) headed by ice core scientists from the University of Copenhagen has attained their goal of drilling to the bottom of the ice sheet. It marks the first time that this has…
Pay dirt for ice core scientists in East Greenland as they reach bedrock An international research collaboration (EGRIP) headed by ice core scientists from the University of Copenhagen has attained their goal of drilling to the bottom of the ice sheet. It marks the first time that this has…
Gloomy climate calculation: Scientists predict a collapse of the Atlantic ocean current to happen mid-century Important ocean current that redistribute heat, cold and precipitation between the tropics and the northernmost parts of the Atlantic region will shut down around the year 2060 if current greenhouse gas emissions…
Bence Kristof Takacs Title: Alternative Cosmological Model with Repulsive Dark Matter Force Supervisor: Steen H. Hansen
Irati Lizaso Berrueta Title: Numerical implementation of a new gravitational force derived within Spacetime Algebra Supervisor: Steen H. Hansen
Extreme measuring device can bring quantum technology to your smartphone University of Copenhagen researchers have invented a “quantum drum” that can measure pressure, a gas leak, heat, magnetism and a host of other things with extreme precision. It can even scan the shape of a single virus.…