News about Geophysics
Viser 217 til 240 af 348 dokumenter.

New Ice core drilling in North Eastern Greenland

Troels Bøgeholm Mikkelsen

Congratulations to Malte Nordmann Winther

Thomas Søndergaard Eriksen

Malte Normann Winther

Christine Hvidberg new Head of Studies

Congratulations to Arianna Marchionne

Dion Häfner

Søren Borg Nielsen

Elin Svensson

Tracking the amount of sea ice from the Greenland ice sheet

Mika Lanzky

Acidity in atmosphere minimised to preindustrial levels

Congratulations to Corentin Reutenauer

Researchers unravel process for the formation of rainstorms

Johanne Kristine Bork Øelund

Corentin Reutenauer

Warning from the past: Future global warming could be even warmer

Congratulations to Rasmus Anker Pedersen

Congratulations to Anne-Katrine Faber

Site on Mars named after Mars researcher Jens Martin Knudsen

Rasmus A. Pedersen