Newsletter December 2024 This newsletter includes important information on the below mentioned topics. We encourage everyone to review the relevant sections carefully, as some of these updates may have an impact on daily activities. New…
"Weapons of Mass Distraction?" Conference held in November On the 14th and 15th November 2024 DISTRACT hosted the conference "Weapons of Mass Distraction?"
Jakub Tětek awarded Best Paper Distinction at FOCS'24 Jakub Tětek, PhD student from BARC, has ben awarded Best Paper Distinction at FOCS 2024.
Soft City Sensing – DISTRACT Talk with Anders Koed Madsen On Thursday the 12th of December 2024, Professor in techno-anthropology and computational SSH at Aalborg University Anders Koed Madsen did a DISTRACT Talk suggesting that the combination of geo-coded digital traces and…
Research seminar on Digital (mis)trust On Friday the 29th of November five scholars (including DISTRACT researcher Kristoffer Albris) presented their work and thoughts on digital (mis)trust at the launch of a new special issue entitled Digital (Mis)trust:…
New SODAS professional training courses You can now sign up for two new SODAS professional training courses taking place in early 2025
Morten Axel Pedersen comments on new study about AI poems DISTRACT PI, Professor Morten Axel Pedersen was interviewed for the article: “Folk foretrækker digte skrevet af kunstig intelligens frem for Shakespeare” (EN: “People prefer poems by artificial intelligence to…
Price increases from January 1, 2025 General pricing The following general price increases have been decided for internal users in 2025: 8 pct. (including the regular 3 pct. P/L) price increase for rodent housing 13 pct. (including the regular 3 pct. P/L)…
Department of Computer Science joins new European AI and innovation collaboration with elite institutions The newly launched initiative, ELIAS Alliance, will strengthen AI research, sustainability and entrepreneurship in Europe. The ambition is to connect talent between academia and industry across Europe to upscale…
SCIENCE AI Centre joins new European AI and innovation collaboration with elite institutions The newly launched initiative, ELIAS Alliance, will strengthen AI research, sustainability and entrepreneurship in Europe. The ambition is to connect talent between academia and industry across Europe to upscale…
CMS Researcher Tobias Liebetrau co-edits speciel edition of International Affairs CMS Researcher Tobias Liebetrau has co-edited a special section on cybersecurity and international relations in the latest issue of International Affairs.
Emilie Munch Gregersen presents at Digital Tech Summit 2024 On October 30th DISTRACT researcher Emilie Munch Gregersen presented at the Digital Tech Summit, where she pitched the digital fieldnote app Ethnote designed for collecting, sharing, and analyzing qualitative data. …
New article: ”EthNote gives qualitative research a new format” Recently TechSavvy Media published an article about the digital fieldnote app Ethnote, co-founded by DISTRACT researcher Emilie Munch Gregersen and DISTRACT coordinator Karoline Husbond Andersen. The article is written…
Security in future energy systems: Researcher working on a more flexible security system Ken Friis Larsen, Associate Professor of IT security and Deputy Head of Teaching at the Department of Computer Science, is working to develop more flexible IT solutions that can create the necessary security in the…
5 BARC papers at FOCS'24 BARC members and affiliates are presenting 5 papers at FOCS’24 held in Chicago, USA.
Apps, cartoons and training reduces need to anesthetise kids A joint research project shows how to reduce the need for anesthetising scanned children by 94 percent.
New paper: “Analyzing differences between discursive communities using dialectograms” In the paper “Analyzing differences between discursive communities using dialectograms,” current and previous DISTRACT researchers Thyge Enggaard, August Lohse, Morten Axel Pedersen and Sune Lehmann introduce a new way…
Mastering Meta-Control: From Cognitive Mechanisms to Practical Strategies - DISTRACT Talk by Signe Vangkilde and Rie Kristensen On Friday the 27th of September, Signe Vangkilde and Rie Kristensen did a DISTRACT Talk where they explored core concepts and mechanisms of attention and control. They also provided research-based insights on ways of…
Quantum researchers come up with a recipe that could accelerate drug development University of Copenhagen mathematicians have developed a recipe for upgrading quantum computers to simulate complex quantum systems, such as molecules. Their discovery brings us closer to being able to predict how new…
Quantum researchers come up with a recipe that could accelerate drug development University of Copenhagen mathematicians have developed a recipe for upgrading quantum computers to simulate complex quantum systems, such as molecules. Their discovery brings us closer to being able to predict how new…