Archeology 2021.05.25 Flint stone sounds suggest a Stone Age settlement in Copenhagen’s Svanemøllen Harbour A new method has made it possible for University of Copenhagen researchers to register mysterious sounds from the sea at Svanemøllen Harbour, most likely originating from chipped-away flint tools of an unknown Stone Age…
archaeology 2021.04.14 Ancient DNA hints at diverse Stone Age traditions of kinship An international team of researchers have used ancient genomes, 22 new genomes from Aşıklı Höyük and Çatalhöyük, a UNESCO site, as well as published ones from Boncuklu Höyük and Barcın to study people whose burials are…
Health 2021.03.25 We need to rethink the healthcare sector The conference on chronic conditions at the UCPH revealed a growing interest in the everyday lives of chronic patients. The job is now to make improved quality of life a matter of priority, says Ayo Wahlberg, one of the…
egyptology 2021.02.26 Ancient Egyptian manual reveals new details about mummification Based on a manual recently discovered in a 3,500-year-old medical papyrus, University of Copenhagen Egyptologist Sofie Schiødt has been able to help reconstruct the embalming process used to prepare ancient Egyptians fo…
Conference 2021.02.24 UCPH gathers medical anthropologists for a conference on chronic conditions With close to 500 participants, the Chronic Living conference on 4-6 March will be one of the largest medical anthropological events on record.
education 2021.02.09 The wars in Former Yugoslavia continue in the classroom According to the Education Act, schools in the ethnically divided Bosnia and Herzegovina must teach students “democratic ideals in a multicultural society." But according to new research from the University of…
DEMOCRACY 2021.01.29 The struggle for recognition: The liberal world order is eroded from both within and without New research conludes that replacing Donald Trump with Joe Biden does not take us back to the liberal international order that represented ideas and rules of democracy, equality, trade and economic prosperity.