Swahili Festival 2024 Swahili Festival is an annual event offering a platform to Swahili businesses, NGOs, artists, and more to showcase their work, as well as offering the opportunity for attendees to interact with Swahili culture. This…
Danish Open Access Week 2024 In week 43, the national Open Access Week will be held with a series of free webinars. Danish Open Access Week 2024 | Oct 21 - Oct 25 The Danish Network for Open Access is now presenting the third Danish Open Access…
Affolkningen truer små bygder - men der skal ikke meget til for at vende udviklingen Jyllands-Posten bragte den 28. september en artikel, hvor FutureArcticLives' Kåre Hendriksen peger på, at politisk prioritering spiller en afgørende rolle i, om de grønlandske bygder udvikler sig eller affolkes.
Event in connection with new report: Let's talk about food waste On Friday 27 September 2024, in connection with the annual food waste week, the research project Fighting food waste – navigating values, choices and habits organised an event at the University library in Fiolstræde.
New study on September 2024 floods in Central Europe Researchers Emmanuel Raju and Nick Baumgart from the Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen have contributed to a new study on the mid-September 2024 floods in C. Europe, titled "Climate change and high exposur…
Addressing financing primary health care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries In a symposium on 10 September, experts gathered to address financing primary health care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Fisk betyder alt for Grønland. Nu kan en revolution vende op og ned på samfundet, true bygderne og skabe kvotekonger Avisen Politiken bragte den 8. september en artikel, der gentager FutureArcticLives' advarsler om indførslen af individuelle overførbare kvoter i jollefiskeriet i Grønland.
Learning from memories and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the future Researchers Emmanuel Raju, Anne Bach Nielsen and Suchismita Goswami from the Global Health section at the Dept. of Public Health have recently published a paper on PLOS Climate titled "Learning from memories and…
Project to investigate the social and political impact of migrant deaths Every year, thousands of migrants from Africa die on their way to Europe. A new anthropological project funded by the European Research Council will examine the impact of these deaths on the bereaved.
Juliette Nicolaï: Conducting applied research in water, sanitation and hygiene programs in Togo and Kenya Juliette Nicolaï, a Research Assistant at the Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen, conducts applied research in water, sanitation and hygiene programs in Togo and Kenya.
New postdoc researcher at the Centre of African Studies The Centre of African Studies welcomes new postdoc researcher Dr. Mads Yding.
Ice-wedge polygonal tundra with Riley Hughes Riley Hughes is a visiting PhD student from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Quebec, who is doing a collaboration with VOLT on VOC production and fluxes on different water bodies in…
Bridging the gap: Childbirth challenges in Tanzania and beyond In a symposium hosted by the University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health, experts gathered to address the pressing issues surrounding childbirth in Tanzania and globally.
New Assistant Professor at the Centre of African Studies and Center for Privacy Studies Francis Ethelbert Kwabena Benyah, join Centre of African Studies (CAS) as an Assistant Professor in African Studies, with a dual role at the Centre for Privacy Studies in the Faculty of Theology at the University of…
CAS graduates attend The Third European Students' Conference on African Studies Three recent graduates from the African Studies MA program presented their MA theses at the conference hosted by the University of Basel
Ny artikel i Weekendavisen CGEN centerleder og vicepræsident i European Research Council Jesper Svejstrup har skrevet en kronik i Weekendavisen om vigtigheden af grundforskning. Se den her: https://www.weekendavisen.dk/ideer/saet-forskningen-fri
ECAS 2025 - Call for Panels Deadline on 15th September The European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) 2025 will take place from 25-28 June in Prague under the theme: African, Afropolitan, and Afropean Belongings and Identities.
'The Social Life of Health Data': Health Records and Knowledge Production in Ghana Guest Researcher at CAS and Marie Curie fellow at the IT University Alena Thiel has published a new book examining 'The Social Life of Health Data'
New Publication: ‘Farming God’s Way’ in Post-Apartheid South Africa CAS guest researcher Hans Olsson has published a new article in the Journal of Southern African Studies, examining 'Evangelical Cosmologies of Land and ‘Crisis’ in Post-Apartheid South Africa'
New podcast with Riikka Rinnan New podcast with Riikka Rinnan VOLT's centerleder, Professor Riikka Rinnan, var for nylig inviteret til at deltage i en dansk podcast "Videnskab fra Vilde Hjerner", hvor hun diskuterede centerets formål samt…
Arctic Congress 2024: Increased connectivity and knowledge exchange The annual Arctic Congress in Bodø, Norway, presented excellent opportunities for researchers, policymakers, businesses, and students to increase their connectivity and knowledge exchange on Arctic issues.
Romain Chuffart Romain Chuffart is the Nansen Professor in Arctic Studies (2024 and 2025) at the University of Akureyri in Iceland where he specializes in the rights of Indigenous peoples, international human rights law, international…
Sven Botha joins the Centre of African Studies as a Guest Researcher Sven will advance his research on Africa-Nordic relations while at CAS. This research encompasses the establishment of a research community that examines the relationship between Africa and the Nordics from a political,…
Webinar on CliCNord - the Main Findings: Full Recording On June 6 2024, the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research, along with University College Copenhagen and University of Copenhagen hosted a presentation of the main findings of the CliCNord project.