Quantum teleportation between atomic systems over long distances The research group Quantum Optics at NBI has succeeded in teleporting information between two clouds of gas atoms and to carry out the teleportation – not just one or a few times, but successfully every single time
Nir Kampel Forward and backward scattering experiments in ultra-cold Rubidium atoms Academic Supervisors: Eugene S. Polzik and Jörg H. Müller
Eran Kot Efficient interfacing of light and surface plasmon polaritons for quantum optics applications Academic supervisor: Anders S. Sørensen
Bjarke Takashi Røjle Christensen Clock laser system for a Hg optical lattice clock Supervisor: Jan W. Thomsen
Emil Zeuthen Extending cavity-mechanical cooling via a hot LC electrical Circuit & Framework for electromechanical coupling calculations Supervisor: Eugene Polzik
Stefan L. Christensen Generation of exotic quantum states in a cold ensemble of Caesium atoms Supervisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Superpositioner »Vi fysikere har ikke den dér barriere med, at noget måske kan lade sig gøre, men at vi bare ikke er kloge nok.« Charlie Marcus har forladt sit forskningscenter på Harvard University for at skabe et nyt center
Yeghishe Tsaturyan Coupling of an LC-circuit to a nanomechanical membrane Supervisor: Anders Sørensen
Franziska Kaminski Coherent Atom-Light Interaction in an Ultracold Atomic Gas Experimental Study of Faraday Rotation Imaging and Matter-Wave Superradiance Academic Supervisors: Eugene S. Polzik and Jörg H. Müller
Jesper Nygård new professor in nanophysics Jesper Nygård has been appointed professor of experimental nanophysics at the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr Institute and he is co-founder of the new research center, Center for Quantum Devices .
Amalie Christensen & Stefan A. Schäffer Experiments with ultra precise light sources Supervisors: Jan Westenkær Thomsen and Philip G. Westergaard
Hanna Krauter Generation and application of entanglement of room temperature ensembles of atoms Supervisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Kasper Jensen Quantum Information Entanglement and Magnetometry with Macroscopic Gas Samples and Non-Classical Light Principal academic advisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Heidi L. Sørensen & Bjarke T. R. Christensen Characterization of the clock laser and spectroscopy of the 3P1 ↔ 1S0 clock transition in 24Mg Supervisors: Anders Brusch and Jan Westenkær Thomsen
Jonatan Bohr Brask Long-distance distribution of discrete and continuous variable entanglement with atomic ensembles Academic supervisor: Anders S. Sørensen
Daniel Oblak Quantum State Engineering in Cold Caesium Atoms Principal academic advisor: Eugene S. Polzik
Brian Bak Jensen Production and Interrogation of Metastable Magnesium Atoms: Towards an Atomic Clock Supervisor: Jan W. Thomsen